Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Success in Physics

Physics is not an easy subject, but with my strategies that I will use in and out of the classroom, I shall not fail. I usualy don't write down my assignments in my agenda and then I usualy forget them and don't do them. In physics though it is going to be different. I am going to write down the assignment every day and be sure to get them done. Also I am going to make it a major point to bring all of the neccisary materials to class. Next I am going to pay attention in class and just because Mrs. Gende has already given all the notes to everyone doesn't mean that we don't have to take notes, so I will still be taking notes in class as an addition to her notes. I am not going to sit back in my seat and just watch the clock go by but instead I am going to pay attention to all presentations and take notes but most of all be engaged with the lectures. When I read something that has to do with physics I am not just going to let it float away from my mind, but instead take notes and if it is something on the internet I will save it. Next I am going to check the website regularly so that if Mrs. Gende (The most awesome teacher ever!) changes something that I will be aware of it. Another thing is that i will keep up with my assignments since that is one of my major weaknesses. If I end up being absent from class I will go into see Mrs. Gende because from previous experiences I haven't gone in, and when you don't what the teacher is talking about you know that there is something wrong. Another thing is that I am going to make sure that I understand the material because if you do not understand something and you never ask then when Mrs. Gende goes onto another subject that subject could be totaly about the one you did not understand, and that's when the trouble starts. Since physics basicly has it's own language be sure to not do a problem that you dont understand a word or a symbol because your interpretation could be, and most likly, totaly wrong. Next you are going to have to use the Four Step Plan on every problem to be succesful.
1. Write down what you have to solve, check your units, and make a sketch if you need to.
2. Write down the equation and solve it with the methods and don't use trial and error.
3. Substitute the values into the equations.
4. Check your answers and WRITE DOWN THE UNITS!
Next make sure to not make your calculator made because in this class it is your best friend in the whole world. Also remember to label your graph on the axis and give it a title. Make sure to stay organized in physics because it is realy easy to get off track. Make sure that when your in class your able to answer any questions thrown at you. Always try to be as self sufficent as possible but don't be arrogant and not seek help. Last communication is key to surviving the hardships of being a physics student.