Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Those 3 Laws...

1.Newton's First Law:
Newton's first law states that, "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalance force." This means that any object that is moving in at a constant speed will keep moving at that rate unless an unbalanced force comes into the equation, meaning it exits the state of equilibriam. What has seemed to be a problem for me when I try to work a problem on Newton's First Law is when the object rests or is moving on an incline plane. I find it difficult though with my problem solving skills I am able to find the normal force, which always seems to be a problem for me to find. My strengths in the First Law Problems are the ones with the tension ropes that have specific angles.

2. Newton's Second Law:
Newton's Second Law states that, "For a particular force, the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. The direction of the force is the same as that of the acceleration." Now this law is confusing for most people because unlike the First Law you have to make ΣF=ma instead of 0. With this law we did problems concerning apparent weight, pulley systems and friction. With the apparent weight it would show that the weight of something is different depending on the direction its going like if a man is in an elevator thats going up he would weigh more. In the pulley systems we would measure the mass and/or tension of the items and the rope. Last we studied friction problems with the mu and the force of friction. So the second law deals with the forces that are unbalanced, that aren't in equilibriam. What I have found difficult with this law is finding the acceleration. I am so used to just using algebra and finding the acceleration through the original equation but I end up getting the wrong answer 50% of the time. I used my problem solving skills to fix my problem by using the equation a=ΣF/m and then I end up with the correct answer. The Second Law is most likely the most confusing of Newton's Laws of Motion.

3. Newton's Third Law: Newton's Third Law states, "When one object exerts a force on another object, the second object excerts on the first an equal force in opposite direction." What this means is whenever something excerts a force on something else that force that was acted upon excerts a force that is equal to the original just in an opposite direction. For example, if a man pushes a bar verticly upward then the bar pushes the man verticly downward. My problem solving skills helped me by understanding the opposites of each of the different forces. Newton's Third Law is based upon the concept of action-reaction.