Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Whats a DC Circuit (I'll Give You a Hint It Doesn't Stand for District of Columbia)

A DC circuit, or a direct current circuit, is a circuit with a single flow of electric charge coming from a source. The DC circuit has to have a coulpe of things to properly work though. First of all it has to have a source to produce the voltage such as a battery or a wall outlet. The voltage then provides energy for the current. Another element it has to have is a conductor to transfer the electrical charge from one point to another, such as a wire.


In this circuit there are 1 battery powering the two lightbulbs. The voltage is fed into the circuit by the battery. The batteries hold the energy that goes through the entire circuit which lights up the lightbulbs since they are part of the circuit. If either light bulb were removed in the circuit then the other light bulb would go out because the ciruit would not be complete. The role of resistance is to define the voltage and the current. The voltage in each lightbulb compared to the battery is the total voltage divided by the number of resistors if they have the same resistance which in this diagram they are.

In this circuit there are two lightbulbs in series and two other light bulbs in parralell. The voltage is the same for the two lightbulbs that are just in series because they have the same resistance and the same current. Also the two lightbulbs in parrallel would have the same voltage and current because of their same resitances,but their currents and voltages would be different from the ones in series. If you removed one of the light bulbs in series then the entire circuit would go out but if you removed one of the bulbs in parrallel then the circuit would still be running.


In this circuit the two lightbulbs are in parrallel so that means that the current goes through two differnt paths to get to the series part of the circuit. The current of the two lightbulbs are the same since they have the same resitance and voltage. The voltage is provided by the battery which has stored energy in it. Even if one bulb is removed then the other will still be lit because they are not in one complete series. The role of resistance in the parrallel circuit is to measure the current and voltage and to slow down the current.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cube Runner Ferris Wheel

S.A.M Group LLC has just unleashed their brand new Cube Runner Ferris Wheel! This Ferris Wheel isn't like any other Ferris Wheel that you've ridden kids, This Ferris Wheel is fast. S.A.M Group LLC is all about speed. You're going to be doing a full rotation in 1.11 seconds (You better hold onto your underpants)! Now that's fast! Remember to double check your seat belts, because you will definetly need them while your on our Cube Runner Ferris Wheel!https://sites.google.com/a/parishepiscopal.org/physics-honors/amusement-park/team-5

Thursday, April 28, 2011

You Might Want to See a Doctor About This...

                In my photograph I stuck my hand into a bowl of water next to a mirror. There are two concepts of physics shown in my photograph. The first concept is refraction. Refraction is the bending of a ray of light as it passes from one medium to another. What this means is when light changes direction and position as it travels through something, such as glass. In my picture my hand is put in a glass bowl of water. The light shown through the glass of my arm is not its original shape, because of the light rays being bent. The other concept of my picture is Reflection. In my picture the glass bowl with my arm in it is in front of a flat mirror. A flat mirror is a mirror that reflects the light rays in the same order as in which they come at the mirror. The image in the mirror of my picture is the same size of the bowl and my arm and it is also the same distance from the mirror as my arm and the bowl are from the mirror. Also the image in the mirror is a reflection since no light passes through the image. The two concepts of my photograph are Reflection and Refraction.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Put Your Hands in the Air! And WAVE Them Like you just Don't Care!

Once upon a time, there were a bunch of scientists who wanted to name a group of types of radiation, and this group came to be known as Electromagnetic Spectrum. Now for all who don't know what radiation is, radiation is energy that spreads out as it is moving. Every electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave, (a transverse wave has amplitude, wavelength, velocity, and frequency.) The Electromagnectic Spectrum consists of X-rays, Gamma-rays, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible-light, Ultra-Violet, and Radiowaves. The size of these waves varies, from longest to shortest it is Radiowaves, Microwaves, Infrared Waves, Visible Waves, Ultra Violet Waves, X-rays, and the longest are the Gamma-rays.

Infrared Waves

Infrared waves are the 3rd shortest waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Infrared waves have a frequency any where from 4 x 10^14 Hz to 1 x 10^13 Hz. Infrared waves are put into three different groups; near, mid, and far. Now we mostly sense Infrared as heat. Infrared Waves can be felt from the sun or a fire. Infrared Waves cannot be seen by the human eye but can be detected and seen with instruements. By using special cameras that are designed for Infrared Waves, we can make a thermal image from the waves. Infrared waves are used throughout the millitary with nightvision goggles and thermal vision so they can see a target that the naked eye would not be able to see. Thermal infrared wavelength is in the region of 8 to 15 microns.


Microwaves are the 2nd shortest waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The wavelength3 meters to .0003 meters. Most microwaves fall into the frequency of 3,000 MHz to 30,000 MHz. The most known use of the Microwave is the device named after the wave, the microwave. What it does is force water and fat molecules in food to rotate and this interaction of these molecules undergoing forced rotation generates heat, which cooks the food. Different wavelengths of microwaves produce different information for scientists to use. C-band microwaves go through clouds, dust, smoke, snow, and rain to reveal the Earth's surface which then can help weather men. L-band microwaves, which are the ones used by a GPS in your car, can also go through the canopy cover of forests to measure the soil moisture of rain forests. Microwaves are used for far more things than to just heat up your food.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Energy is all about your statement, if you are able to get your statement right then its smooth sailing from there. Now in my example the statement is PEe=KE because the initial energy= the final energy and PEe is the initial and KE is the final. In my example a kid wants to shoot his arrow faster to be able to beat his component but to do so he has to fix his bow by changing the spring constant. OBSERVE!....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Now Let us Reflect on Some Spinny Things, and Some Gravitational Things...

Uniform Circular Motion...
In this unit we learned a great deal about uniform circular motion. Objects in UCM have a constant speed but they do not have a constant velocity. They do not have a constant velocity because the object is not changing magnitude though it is changing direction, making the velocity not be constant. Also we learned that if the uniform circular motion breaks, then the object will go in the direction of the tangental line of the circle at that exact point. If an object in UCM changes direction then the object is accelerating in which the acceleration is always pointed towards the center of the circle. The centripetal force can be caused by many different variable such as tension, normal, or any other force, so you would just have to equal Fc to which ever force causes it.

Universal Gravitation...
Now for some Gravitational de Universal! Newton found that the corfe that causes objects to fall to the earth exists between all other bodies. He discovered that the gravitational force varies inversely with the square of the distance between the centers of the two masses. The Law of Universal Gravitation says that, " Every object in the universe attracts every object in the universe with a force that varies directly with the product of their masses and inversely with the square of the distance between the centers of the two masses." This force is G=6.67X10^-11 which can be used for any planet no matter where it is.

This was a really challenging unit. The circular motion was not that difficult or hard to learn, but the main problem was the Universal Gravitation. I was able to set up the equations but the main problem was that you had to solve it mostly on the calculator. I was able to use my problem solving skills to just over use the parenthesies, and then once I fixed that I started getting the right answers without having to redo the calculations 10 times!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


If an object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it and we push Ryan on his man-coaster then the man-coaster will slow down, and therefore, moves in the negative direction even though it was pushed in the positive direction.

Myth #1: An object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it.
This myth is stating that any object will go in the direction the the net force is applied, but it is obvious to see that this can be disproven.
ΣFx=-Ff    ΣFy= Fn-Fg
Looking at this free body diagram of the awesome man coaster you can see that the ΣFx = -Ff but acording to the myth he shouldn't be going in a positive direction, which he is. This is disproven since Ryan and the MANCOASTER are going in a positive direction yet their net force is negative.

Myth #2:  An object always changes its motion if there is a force exerted on it by other objects.
This myth is stating that any force exerted on an object will change its direction, but this is obviously a false statement.
ΣFx=Fax-Ff      ΣFy=Fn-Fay-Fg
Here is an FBD of when the highlighter makes an impact on the bowling ball, the bowling ball obviously didnt't move at all when the highlighter made an impact instead it just rolled on like nothing happend.

Now we can CONCLUDE:
The myths we busted were busted without specialized tools to see movements or other observations that the naked eye can not see. But due to the fact that the ball did not change directions and that the MANCOASTER stopped, we can safely conclude that the myths are BUSTED. People believe these myths because without testing them they sound like they are true but once they are tested people can see that they aren't. Mostly people believe the myths because they don't really want to think it through or if they do it sounds good in their head but once they see it its stated otherwise.