Thursday, January 6, 2011


If an object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it and we push Ryan on his man-coaster then the man-coaster will slow down, and therefore, moves in the negative direction even though it was pushed in the positive direction.

Myth #1: An object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it.
This myth is stating that any object will go in the direction the the net force is applied, but it is obvious to see that this can be disproven.
ΣFx=-Ff    ΣFy= Fn-Fg
Looking at this free body diagram of the awesome man coaster you can see that the ΣFx = -Ff but acording to the myth he shouldn't be going in a positive direction, which he is. This is disproven since Ryan and the MANCOASTER are going in a positive direction yet their net force is negative.

Myth #2:  An object always changes its motion if there is a force exerted on it by other objects.
This myth is stating that any force exerted on an object will change its direction, but this is obviously a false statement.
ΣFx=Fax-Ff      ΣFy=Fn-Fay-Fg
Here is an FBD of when the highlighter makes an impact on the bowling ball, the bowling ball obviously didnt't move at all when the highlighter made an impact instead it just rolled on like nothing happend.

Now we can CONCLUDE:
The myths we busted were busted without specialized tools to see movements or other observations that the naked eye can not see. But due to the fact that the ball did not change directions and that the MANCOASTER stopped, we can safely conclude that the myths are BUSTED. People believe these myths because without testing them they sound like they are true but once they are tested people can see that they aren't. Mostly people believe the myths because they don't really want to think it through or if they do it sounds good in their head but once they see it its stated otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Your posting is missing several elements.
    You need to embed the videos and to write the sum of the forces.
    Please check the wiki for all the requirements.
