Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Energy is all about your statement, if you are able to get your statement right then its smooth sailing from there. Now in my example the statement is PEe=KE because the initial energy= the final energy and PEe is the initial and KE is the final. In my example a kid wants to shoot his arrow faster to be able to beat his component but to do so he has to fix his bow by changing the spring constant. OBSERVE!....


  1. Good posting, Adam.
    I liked your example.
    However, there are some things you need to keep in mind;
    The potential elastic energy is only equal to the kinetic energy only IF the arrow travels on a horizontal plane (i.e. no change in the height).
    Also, you may have interpreted this a different way than I did, but when the assignment said "define the variables" I believe it ment to give what they stood for and the units in each equation.
    All in all, good posting.
    I really like the comic strip.
    If you make a few changes, it will be perfect.

  2. Very creative, nice comic strip scenes.

    I agree with Cara about items that are missing and her physics comments are right on target!
    Please review the guidelines of the assignment.

    Finally, if you are making up a problem (which is great by the way) be sure that the numbers plugged are correlated to real situations. For example, in your comic it looks like the shooter is somehow "adjusting" the bow for the spring constant. Can you really do that? Do a little reseach about spring constants, you will be surprised! Are the velocities typical for arrows?
    Looking forward to reading your final posting.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I made the neccesary adjustments and changed it to fit a real life situation from research that I did.
